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Library Re-Opening

The NCLA Library is currently preparing for re-opening. We have been hard at work preparing guidelines to do so, some of which will be laid out below. If you are interested in viewing the entire plan, please contact the librarian.

The main goal of the plan is to will outline the gradual reopening phases that aim to restore services while protecting the health and safety of staff and library patrons. Per the Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District (HKPR) Health Unit’s mandatory mask order, masks are now mandatory in all public indoor spaces in Northumberland, including the courthouse. There will be security officers posted at the main doors to the building performing screening and providing masks to those who need them.

There will be a sign-in sheet for library users to track library patrons, in the event of an infection, this may be important information to have. The NCLA cannot ensure regular cleaning is being performed inside the robing rooms, as they are not attached to the library.

Part 1: Pre-Opening Duration: One Week – 21 September 2020

The Library will remain closed to NCLA Members during this time.

Services • Reference services will continue to be available virtually • Books signed out prior to the pandemic will be recalled, instructions for this will be sent out • Returned items will be ‘quarantined’ for at least three days, per ALA guidelines.

Part 2 – Re-Opening Duration: Two Weeks – 28 September 2020

User Requirements • Library patrons will be required to wear masks • Patrons are required to sanitize their hands prior to entering • No food or drink allowed • Access to computers by appointment only (librarian to coordinate). Computers and lounge area cleaned between usage; lawyers will not be able to leave belongings in the lounge • Walk-in patrons accepted as long as the max concurrent users (5) has not been met, but appointments preferred

Services • Reference and Research Services will continue • (limited) Interlibrary loans resume - for more info, contact the Librarian • Access to Library Stacks restricted to staff only, librarian will be available to retrieve books • All book returns and unwanted volumes to be placed in designated re-shelving area, do not re-shelve

Part 3 – Service Restored with Consideration to Physical Distancing - 13 October 2020

The NCLA Library will be fully open to lawyers and visiting council, access cards to remain suspended until sanitization restrictions can be eased to help ensure sanitization and access protocols.

Services • Print collection will remain UNAVAILABLE to patrons to browse. The Librarian will retrieve items from the print collection by request. Staff will continue to monitor the situation in order to determine when it is safe to open the collection to user access • Two-week loans. Use the sign-out cards located on the inside back cover of the book. Leave the sign-out card(s) on the librarian’s desk. • Robing rooms will remain “use at own risk” as frequency of cleaning cannot be guaranteed by the Librarian

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