COVID-19 NCLA Operation Updates
Updated 17 June 2022 @ 10:27am
Note: NCLA staff will be updating this list on an on-going basis but may not always be available to catch updates as they are breaking. Always consult the website of the court in question for the most up-to-date information
1 March 2022: Notice to the Profession
As a result of jury matters reopening effective March 1, 2022 we have moved the Peterborough filing office for SCJ criminal, civil, estates and small claims matters back to 70 Simcoe Street from the temporary location at 470 Water St. Read the full notice here.
11 September 2020: Cobourg Court Services
Please be advised that Cobourg Courthouse will officially re-open to the public on Monday, September 14, 2020. In alignment with this, all staff and stakeholders/public attending our building must complete health screening. The Cobourg Police will be ensuring screening is completed at the front entrance prior to people being admitted and the building will move to a one point of entry and exit. What this means to all users of the building will be required to attend at the front of the building and go through the front entrance both when they arrive and leave this building at any point during the day. No other exit doors can be used to enter or exit.
Central East Region Notices
(1 June 2022) Notice to the Profession and Family Law Litigants
(1 June 2022) Notice to the Profession and Civil Law Litigants
(1 June 2022) Notice to the Profession and Criminal Law Litigants
(13 September 2021) Notice to the Profession Regarding Family Law Cases
(12 May 2021) Notice to Profession and Public regarding court proceedings
(20 April 2021) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
Justice Sector Check-in Calls
Including OCJ, SCJ, Court of Appeal, Courthouse senior staff, OBA, LAO, LSO, FOLA and the Advocates' Society
For previous call logs, please contact the NCLA or visit FOLA's website
Federal Court of Canada (Twitter: @FedCourt_CAN_en)
(8 September 2020) Practice Direction (COVID-19): Update #6
(25 June 2020) Practice Direction and Order (COVID-19): Update #5
(11 June 2020) Practice Direction and Order (COVID-19): Update #4
(29 May 2020) Practice Direction and Order (COVID-19): Update #3
(29 April 2020) Practice Direction and Order (COVID-19): Update #2
(4 April 2020) Updated Practice Direction and Order (COVID-19)
(17 March 2020) Message from the Federal Court in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
Federal Court of Appeal of Canada (Twitter: @FedCourtApp_en)
(17 July 2020) COVID-19 : Recommended Preventative Measures For Resuming In-person Court Operations
(11 June 2020) Gradual phase-out of Suspension Period: COVID-19
(15 April 2020) Update on the Management of Court Files During the COVID-19 Suspension Period
(2 April 2020) Extension of Suspension Period and Additional Measures Taken
Federation of Ontario Law Associations/FOLA (Twitter: @Ont_Law_Assoc)
e-Hearings Taskforce (with Advocates' Society, OBA, & OTLA)
(15 December 2021) Real Estate Committee Update
(5 November 2021) Real Estate Committee Update
(7 October 2021) Real Estate Committee Update
(21 September 2021) Real Estate Committee Update
(21 August 2021) Real Estate Committee Update
For previous updates, please contact the NCLA or visit FOLA's website
Law Society of Ontario (Twitter: @LawSocietyLSO)
Emergency family law referral telephone line
An interim measure, with support from the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice, to provide assistance to people who are self-represented (SRLs) and who are trying to determine whether or not their family court matter meets the criteria to be heard by the Court on an “urgent” basis and, if so, how to proceed in making their request.
Legal Aid Ontario (Twitter: @LegalAidOntario)
Letter from David Field, President & CEO of LAO - March 26, 2020
Changes to summary legal advice services at Legal Aid Ontario due to COVID-19 pandemic
Regional Contact List (as of March 23)
O. Reg. 458/20 - Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act - Extensions of Orders
O. Reg. 457/20 - Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act - Revoking O. Reg. 73/20
Ministry of the Attorney General (Twitter: @ONAttorneyGen)
(August 20) Letter re: Suspended limitation and procedural time periods
(August 5) RE: Expansion of Justice Services Online on August 5
(August 5) Letter re: Notaries Act and the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act
(July 6) Notice to the Legal Profession and the Public Regarding the Use of Online Claims Services
(June 8, 2020) Province Extends the Suspension of Limitation Periods and Time Periods for Legal Proceedings until September
(May 7, 2020) Ontario Small Claims Court Counter Service Suspension
(March 23, 2020) Notice to the Legal Profession re: Civil Claims Online service
(March 23, 2020) Letter to the Profession re: expansion of the Civil Claims Online service
Ontario Protecting Critical Front-Line Justice Services in Response to COVID-19
Ontario Court of Appeal
(15 March 2021) Consolidated Practice Direction Regarding Proceedings in the Court of Appeal During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(25 January 2021) Practice direction concerning public and media remote observation of oral hearings during the Covid-19 pandemic
(16 December 2020) Practice direction regarding the electronic conduct of matters during the Covid-19 pandemic
(16 November 2020) Notice Regarding the Scheduling of In-Person and Remote Appeals
Ontario Court of Justice (Twitter: @OntarioOn)
(18 March 2022) Notice to the Public and to the Profession – Interim Guidelines re Mode of Appearance for Ontario Court of Justice Criminal Proceedings
(18 March 2022) Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
(20 December 2021) Message re COVID-19
(26 May 2021) COVID-19: Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
(4 May 2021) Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
January 14: Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
(December 23) Notice to Counsel/Paralegals and the Public Re: Provincial Offences Act Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
(September 2) Waiver - Ontario Court of Justice First Appearance Court Before A Clerk (.docx file)
(September 2) Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
(August 24) Guidelines re: Remote Hearings in the Ontario Court of Justice
(August 24) Zoom User Guide for Remote Hearings in the Ontario Court of Justice
(August 10) COVID-19: Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
COVID-19 Pandemic – Criminal Case Adjournment Dates – Out-of-Custody Accused (July 2, 2020)
COVID-19: Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice (July 2, 2020) Addition
Resuming s. 5.1(8) Guilty Pleas by Remote Appearance (June 17, 2020)
COVID-19: Scheduling of Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice (June 17, 2020)
COVID-19 Pandemic – Criminal Case Adjournment Dates – Out-of-Custody Accused - (May 9, 2020)
COVID-19 Pandemic – Scheduling of Criminal Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice (May 9, 2020)
COVID-19: Ontario Court of Justice Protocol Re Bail Hearings (May 9, 2020)
COVID-19 Pandemic Planning for the Scheduling of Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice
Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Twitter: @SCJOntario_en)
(April 19, 2022) Notice to the Profession - Divisional Court
(April 15, 2022) Notice to the Profession, Parties, Public and the Media
(17 March 2022) Guidelines: Mode of Proceedings – Criminal, Civil, Family, Small Claims
(17 March 2022) Virtual Courtroom Etiquette
(January 19, 2022) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
(5 October 2021) Consolidated Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused Persons, Public and the Media
(5 October 2021) Supplementary Notice to the Profession and Litigants in Civil and Family Matters Regarding the Caselines Pilot, E-Filing, and Fee Payment
( 5 October 2021) Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court
(2 September 2021) Province-wide Notice to the Profession Regarding Family Law Cases
(23 July 2021) Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court
(29 June 2021) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
(31 May 2021) Continued suspension of Small Claims Court operations due to COVID-19
(12 May 2021) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings - May 12 Update
(20 April 2021) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings - April 20 Update
(12 April 2021) Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court
(8 April 2021) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
(15 March 2021) Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court
(25 February 2020) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
(26 January 2020) Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court
(4 January 2020) Continued suspension of Small Claims Court operations due to COVID-19
(21 November 2020) Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings
(6 November 2020) Memorandum re: Resumption of Criminal Jury Trials
(26 August 2020) Notice Regarding the Suspension of Small Claims Court Operations
(10 August 2020) Notice Regarding the Suspension of Small Claims Court Operations
(16 July 2020) Procedure for scheduling a family case conference and motion
(10 July 2020) Continued suspension of Small Claims Court operations due to COVID-19
(3 July 2020) Continued Suspension of Small Claims Court Operations Due to COVID-19
(25 June 2020) Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused, Media and Members of the Public
(18 June 2020) Directions for Rescheduling 2020 Civil Trials
(13 May 2020) Consolidated Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused Persons, Public and the Media
(4 May 2020) Ontario Small Claims Court Counter Service Suspension
(21 April 2020) Notice to the Profession, Public, Accused Persons and the Media Regarding the Suspension of Criminal and Civil Jury Trials
(2 April 2020) Message to the Profession on Behalf of the Superior Court of Justice
(20 March 2020) Notice to the Profession from Regional Senior Justice Macleod
(23 March 2020) Suspension of Superior Court of Justice Regular Operations - Criminal Operations
(15 March 2020) Chief Justice Court Order - Adjourning Criminal Matters
Ontario Bar Association (Twitter: @OBAlawyers)
Supreme Court of Canada (Twitter: @SCC_eng)